
Booking an appointment at Grey Gable Surgery.

There are many different ways you can contact the surgery

If you are registered to the NHS App or Patient Access, you can book a blood test appointment online using these services.

Alternatively, you can call the Practice to book an appointment.

If the doctor would like you to make a routine appointment, we may send you a text with a link to book. The link will show only the correct type of appointment as per the doctor’s instruction and may be with the GP, Pharmacist, Nurse or HCA.

Alternative Care

Sometimes, you can receive care without the need to book an appointment. This is usually done by self-referrals or visiting other healthcare professionals.

Click on the relevant buttons for your needs to find out how to receive the correct care for you.

How to book an appointment.


All consultations are by appointment only at Grey Gable Surgery, so please plan ahead and book in advance as much as you can. We offer GP appointments in advance for routine matters, with a limited number of appointments available for each GP.

Please note that we also carry out Phone and Video consultations and you may be asked to send in photos of your condition. The process is very simple and everything will be explained to you during your consultation.

Booking an appointment online - Blood tests only

It’s much quicker to book a GP requested Blood Test online via the NHS App or Patient Access, as you’ll avoid any queues on the phone lines - this also greatly helps the reception team deal with urgent calls in a more effective manner, so if you can book online, please do!

Booking an appointment by phone

Booking an appointment by phone is a good way for the team here to give you the best care possible. If you have more than one condition you wish to be seen for, please let our reception team know as they can give you a longer appointment time.

You can call us on 01386 793007 to speak to a receptionist and get your appointment booked. Please be patient with our team, as they may need to ask a few questions to ensure you are given the most appropriate care.

Urgent Appointments

If you believe you need to see a doctor urgently, call us on 01386 793007, before 10am (where possible). Our reception team will ask for a brief outline of your condition in order to book you with the most appropriate clinician in a suitable time frame.

Enhanced Access Appointments

With effect from the 1st October 2022 we are participating in a new Enhanced Access service in order to make more routine appointments available with our clinical team. These appointments will be outside of our core opening hours and further details are available from our Reception team and on the Vale of Evesham Primary Care Network website. To book an appointment at Grey Gable Surgery, please call us on 01386 793007.

Home Visits, Telephone Advice and Video Consultations.

Home Visits

Home visits are available for patients who are either housebound or unable to visit the Practice due to illness. All home visits will be organised by a clinician, with more serious or urgent visits taking priority. If possible, please call the Surgery before 10am if you require a home visit, to give the clinician time to plan the visits.

Telephone Advice and Video Consultations

You can pre-book a telephone or video consultation with a GP if you’re unable to attend a full appointment - you can book these online via Patient Access or by calling the Surgery. Please note that all telephone calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes. If you do not wish for the call to be recorded please advise the receptionist when booking the appointment or advise the clinician at the beginning of the call.


Please always let us know if you don’t wish to take up your appointment. Even if it is at the last minute, we can always fill it. We understand that you may now feel better or something else has cropped up and we are happy to rearrange, but please let us know. We kindly ask that you give us at least 24 hours notice of your cancellation, so that we can give the appointment slot to another patient in need.

You can cancel by calling 01386 793007, or by visiting Patient Access or the NHS App. You can also cancel via the link in your text reminder.

Please note that we do record all incidences of not turning up, and we will be in touch if you miss an appointment. We do reserve the right to ask you to leave the practice list if you won’t help us to help you by keeping to your appointments - as missed appointments cost the NHS money, and make it harder for the rest of our local community to access appointments with us.

Need help urgently?

Patients with urgent requirements will dealt with on the same day. Where possible please call before 10am for a call back from the duty doctor. If you have an emergency you don’t think is appropriate for us, or we are closed, you should call the following numbers:


Patients with very serious or life-threatening health conditions, such as chest pain, severe bleeding or loss of consciousness, should phone 999 without delay.

NHS 111

Patients who are unsure whether to visit A&E for their condition, or have an urgent medical need outside of our opening hours, should call NHS 111.