Have Your Say
Make your voice heard by giving specific suggestions or praise, general feedback, join our Patient Participation Group or find out about Healthwatch Worcesteshire.
Paper forms are available at Reception.
Patient Feedback
Whether it is praise for members of our team or something that you feel we could do better, we would appreciate your feedback so that we know where to focus our efforts for continual improvement.
If you need assistance for a health or administrative matter, or to raise an issue or complaint with us, please call 01386 793007 in order that we can rectify any problems as soon as possible.
For more general feedback about the performance of the surgery, please use the Friends & Family Test below.
Friends & Family Test
The Friends & Family Test is used across NHS services to help us to understand what works - and what we could be doing better.
This is a general feedback form about the performance of the surgery. Completed forms are reviewed monthly and statistics are submitted to NHS England.
If you need assistance for a health or administrative matter, or to raise an issue or complaint with us, please call 01386 793007 in order that we can rectify any problems as soon as possible.
The Patient Participation Group gives our patients a voice in the practice.
We are eager to ensure that patients are actively involved in deciding how the health services they use should develop.
To provide patients with the opportunity to express their views, we have set up the Grey Gable Patient Participation Group (PPG).
The Patient Participation Group works to improve communication between the Practice and its patients, to ensure the services on offer truly meet the needs of all patients.
Anyone is welcome to join the group, as long as you are registered with the practice and interested in working together to make positive changes for the practice and its patients.
We still have some vacancies in our current group. We especially need young people, workers, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.
Healthwatch Worcestershire
What they do and how to contact them.
Who are Healthwatch Worcestershire?
They are an independent consumer champion – giving the public, patients and users of publicly financed health and social care services in Worcestershire a voice.
What do Healthwatch Worcestershire do?
Find out what people think about health and social care services
Tell services what can be improved – from a patients or service users point of view
Make sure that local people have a real say in how health and social care services are run
Hold the NHS and County Council to account
Visit services and gather views of the people who use them
“Signpost” people to the right information and advice
They don’t take up individual complaints – but they do refer patients to Onside Advocacy
To find out more, visit the link below.